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Retiring a Tool & Reinstating a Retired Tool
Updated over a month ago

Retiring a Tool

Often tools are lost, misplaced, stolen, or have become unusable. Align allows users to “retire” or place them in Manage Retired Tools. Retiring tools removes them from active inventory, and removes them from your total asset count. Retiring tools is preferred to deleting because retired tools can be reinstated if found, fixed, etc.

  1. Open the Item Browser.

  2. Using Categories or the Advanced Search option, locate the tool(s) that are to be retired

  3. Select one or multiple tools and either:

    1. Select the Retire Tool option from the Actions dropdown menu

    2. Right-click and select Retire Tool

  4. A Retire Tools window opens

  5. Fill in details using dropdown menus: Retired At; Reason*; Status

    1. *Only Reason is a required field

    2. The preset Reason options are: Destroyed; End-Of-Life; Lost; Sold; Stolen

      1. These preset Reason options cannot be customized

  6. Click OK at the bottom right of the Retire Tools window

  7. A window will pop up summarizing the total number of tool(s) being retired. It will remind you about Cost Center and Cost Code defaults

  8. Click Yes to finish retiring tool(s) or click No to return and fill out Cost Center and/or Cost Code

  9. Upon clicking Yes, the tool(s) have been retired from inventory, including any upcoming Service Events and/or Purchase Records

Reinstating a Retired Tool

Sometimes a retired tool has been found and/or fixed if it was broken and needs to be put back in inventory.

  1. Under Inventory in the navigation panel, click on Manage Retired Tools to open the Retired Tools browser

  2. Enter search criteria, e.g., Item No., Date Retired, etc.

  3. Select Search

  4. To select the tool(s), click on the tool’s line, and it will be highlighted in blue

  5. Select Reinstate Item at the top left of the screen

  6. A window will pop up itemizing the tool(s) to be reinstated

  7. Confirm the information and click Yes to reinstate the tool(s)

Author: Matt Rieck

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